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Disembarked and got- with help- to the Beurs Station. Breakfast but darned clerks' mistake cost me and hour and a half at the Delftsche Poort, in which walked, wrote, etc. Then got train up to Haarlem. Reached it in fine state of mind - saw Groote Kerk from distance. Walked to Brinkman's (have been trying cigars); light lunch, walked around church & went to gallery. Mr. Van Vlissinger (later heard his history). Strong emotions on seeing old stadhius,- windows roof & portraits. Then the gallery - and an hour of happiness. Hustled back to station (card to Mr. Aspinwall). Back to Rotterdam through the well-known & loved green landscape. Took and ferry boat and got to Holland America dock just in easy time for the "Potsdam". Saw folks and called to them. The landing, baggage and bus taken to Maas Hotel. Lots of chat. Met Mr. Eimer and other of their friends. Nice supper. Talk, champagne and bed.
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   July 30

Dutch breakfast, settled and took carriage to Holland America office. Difficult to get berths on Noordam. Drove back to Hoyack's, then depot. Has to run to Maas Station to check trunk. This cost one train, not giving us decent time cost another. Reached the Hague about 1:40 Very far walk to Café Riche - good lunch. Then to gallery. Good time-folks not as enthusiastic as I but they liked it. Met Mr. Arkell and party. Took train to Scheveningen. Beautiful ride through woods. Got out at church. Walked along beach drive; saw fishermen bathing, pier and kurhaus. Got cards in store. Carriage back to depot and then to "De Tivu Stedeus" where we put up. Supper in outside part of the "Riche". Walked in the Arcade-More cards etc.
   July 31
Breakfast in the house. Went to Post Office, then took train to Mesdag's.