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closed (though porter said not) but old gentleman very kindly took us in. The enthusiasm raised by the place. Mencini, Diaz, Maure, Vollonete, Great times came back - last dinner at the Riche, bus to station, got baggage checked and away. Back to Haarlem, enjoyed it. Arrived and took carriage to Leder through Kenaw Park. Very nicely received by Miss Leder. Good rooms [[insert]] & garden [[/insert]]. American magazines. Stayed in room bill (excellent) dinner. Met Classmates. In evening Mother and I went for walk. Kinderhiervest, Niewewe Gracht, Parklaam, Spaarne, Jans Straat, Groote Markt (Brinkman) and home. A good night.
   August 1
Down early. Started to Stedhuis. The Stalses liked, I had a good time too. Then a little of the streets and waffles at the Kermess. Home to
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   Am.Ex checks nos 
[[double underline]]2596192---2596198.[[/double underline]]
  lunch. I went to museum again with Miss Farrar and others great time. Then home for carriage ride: furniture stores, Stout with beer. depot and home. After supper Mother and I did the Kermess. Interesting-crowds, lights, life. Our people have been making great copper purchases. The Parkers.
   August 2
Started folks off and then went to Stedhuis for morning. Grand time. Pictures better every look. Bad copies. The delight of it. Home- Amsterdam. Hoyack. Ryks. I had splendid visit,folks also saw things they liked- Mus and copy. Cask via American Hotel -Hayack the [[?]] little bank. Got Delft at Haarlem. Home- a little late. after supper find bill order carriage talked and [[?]]