Viewing page 41 of 263

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[[Right margin vertically]] [[underlined]] Balaendae [[/underlined]] [[/right margin]]

[[Table with four columns]]
[[column headings]]
Vertebrae of fossil Right whales
Balaenula balaenopsis
Balaena primigenia
Balaenotus insignis
[[/column headings]]

[[line headings]]
Vertebrae of fossil Right whales
Total length, est.
Length of skull
1st Thoracic vertebra 
Length of centrum
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]]
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]]
1st Lumbar vertebra
Length of centrum
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]]
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]]
1st Caudal vertebra
Length of centrum
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]]
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]]
[[/line headings]]

[[columns 1 & 2]]
Vertebra of fossil Right whales | Balaenula balaenopsis
Total length, est. | 
Length of skull | 
1st Thoracic vertebra | in.
Length of centrum | 
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
1st Lumbar vertebra | 
Length of centrum | 2.5 1√
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 4.5 1√
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] |  3.5 1√
1st Caudal vertebra | 
Lenth of centrum | 2.75 ?
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 5.5
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 4.75
              | Van Ben
[[/columns 1 & 2]]

[[columns 1 & 3]]
Vertebra of fossil Right whales | Balaena primigenia
Total length, est. | 
Length of skull | 
1st Thoracic vertebra | in.
Length of centrum | 
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
1st Lumbar vertebra | 
Length of centrum | 9.75 2√
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 12.0 2√
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 10.5 2√
1st Caudal vertebra | 
Length of centrum | 
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
              | Van Ben
[[columns 1 & 3]]

[[columns 1 & 4]]
Vertebra of fossil Right whales | Balaenotus insignis
Total length, est. | 
Length of skull | 
1st Thoracic vertebra | in.
Length of centrum | 1.5 3√
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 5.25 3√
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 4.25 3√
1st Lumbar vertebra | 
Length of centrum | 4.75 4√
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 5.0 4√
1st Caudal vertebra | 
Length of centrum | ? 4.75 5√
Breadth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 5.75 5√
Depth " [[Ditto for: of centrum]] | 5.75 5√
              | Van Ben
[[/columns 1 & 4]]

[[line across page]]
1√ 11th dorsal
2√ 3d lumbar
3√ 3d dorsal
4√ 5th lumbar
5√ 11th " [[Ditto for: lumbar]]
6√ 5th caudal

Transcription Notes:
I've tried to make this table consistent with the previous page. I realise that there is repetition of information but I assumed it was more important that the information was usable rather than "exactly as written". I'm checking with TC re this.