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[[preprinted]] THE WOMAN'S COLLEGE, 
OFFICE OF THE CURATOR. [[/preprinted]]

April 17, 1907
My dear Dr. True
Your esteemed letter of the 3rd inst. came duly to hand. The Cetacean fossils remain in the preparation room where they will be quite safe until you are ready to take up the work again.
We certainly want to hear your lecture on "The Life of a Whale". On what terms are you willing to give it and how would the first  [[insertion]] ^ or second [[/insertion]] Monday evening in May suit you.
The number of subscribers for the Natural Bridge - Luray excursion is not quite sufficient to warrant our proceeding with it, and no doubt the Wash[[superscript]] n [[/superscript]] people can [[?]] [[?]] [[search?]] Luray direct from Wash[[superscript]] n [[/superscript]]. I will enclose a couple of circulars anyway, and with best thanks 
[[underlined]] P.t.o. [[/underline]]
[[watermark]] [[image - "FRENCH" and a fleur de lis]] [[/watermark]]

Transcription Notes:
Sorry, I don't see the Watermark "French."