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Smithsonian Institution
United States National Museum

Feb. 2. 1906.

Lady calling at the Museum to-day said that Jas. T. Thomas lived formerly in Charles Co. Md. at a place called Brook(side?) [[insertion]] (in-field?) [[/insertion]] below Benedict on the Pahixent R.; that it was sandy there & had formerly been a large Indian encampment there; Mr. (or Dr.) Thomas was now dead & the family had moved to Balto. There were many fossils to be had at Parker's Wharf & at Jones Wharf.
There was a doctor [[insertion]] ^ (Dr. Mc [[underlined]] something [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] living near Parker's wharf who had done a good deal for the U.S. Geol. Survey people. There are 2 boarding - houses at Governor's Run., right near the wharf.
There are more fossils there than at Plum Pt.