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[[double underlined]] Calvert formation - Miocene At Chesapeake Beach. Md. [[/double underlined]]

[[image - detailed drawing with numbered strata of soil with notes on each strata]]

[[notes on each strata in three columns, first describing depth, second numbering the particular strata and third describing strata. There is an arrow pointing from each description in column 3 to the numbered strata in column 2.]]

       |  15    | Yellow sandy clay 
       |  14    | Yellow sandy clay 
32'    |  13    | Blue sandy clay changing to yellow brown sandy clay in the upper 12 ft., fossiliferous throughout upper portions
2'6"   |  12    | Green. brown sandy clay, with fossil casts
5'     |  11    | Green. brown sandy clay.
6'     |  10    | Gray, green sand, with some clay & fossils, as below. *
6'     |   9    | Green, sandy clay with scattered layers of [[underlined]] Corbula elevata [[/underlined]]
9'     |   8    | Green, sandy clay; no fossils
6'     |   7    | Green, sandy clay with scattered layers of  [[underlined]] Corbula elevata [[/underlined]]
8'     |   6    | Green, sandy clay, carrying numerous Corbula elevata
7'     |   5    | Green, sandy clay carrying [[underlined]] Thracia conradi [[/underlined]]
0'6"   |   4    | Greenish sandy clay carrying [[underlined]] Ostrea pererassa [[underlined]]
62'    | 1.2.& 3 | Bluish-green sandy clay revealed in well-boring
Eocene |  [[image - drawing of soil]]  | Glauconitic sandy clay

[[boxed]] * Turritella indentata 
Phacoides anadonta
Crassatellities melinus
Astarte cuneiformis
Ostraea sellaeformis
Pecten madisonius
Macrocallista marylandica
Atrina barrisii
Arca subrostrata 
[[strikethrough]] Glycimeris parilis &c [[/strikethrough]]