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^[[[[underlined]] Fossil Whales [[/underlined]]]]

[[red stamp]] Curator in Charge | NOV 13 1893 [[/red stamp]]
^[[Mr True]]

[[image - newspaper building, with words "Established 1803"]]
[[image - decorative logo with words "The Leading Newspaper of the South"]]
The News and Courier
No. 19 Broad St
Charleston, S.C. [[/preprinted]] Nov. 10. 1893. [[preprinted]] 189 [[/preprinted]] 

[[red stamp]] Curator in Charge | NOV 15 1893 [[/red stamp]]

Mr. Frederick W. True, 
Washington, D. C.

My Dear Frederick:

I wrote to Mr. Roche as I promised in regard to the South Carolina display of Fossils at the World's Fair, and have just received the enclosed letter which will explain itself. The Exhibit of Fossils belongs to the State, and if the National Museum wishes to secure it, you will have to write to Governor Tillman at Columbia. 

Please remember me to all your family, and believe me, 
Yours sincerely, 

[[J C [[underlined]] Humphrie [[/underlined]]]]

[[watermark]] Bankers Linen [[/watermark]]