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[[circled]] 2. [[/circled]]
of his 1853 [[underlined]] "Appendix" [[/underlined]] to the History of Vermont. At the time that I wrote, I did not remember that it was issued apart from the earlier volume on the Natural History of that State.
In regard to the Pakenham skeleton, a small portion [[insertion]] ^ of the skeleton [[/insertion]] (consisting of the skull, with most of the cervial, & three of the dorsal vertebrae) has been dug out, & the rest is said to be still in the ground. I offered the owner $10.00 for the portion that had actually been dug up (which is still in my possession) & $15.00 more for the part that is still in the ground, if he would dig it out & forward it. If he had accepted this offer, I had hoped to have sent you the skull, &c. , that is now lying on my table. But, unfortunately, he declines to sell either portion, at the price offered, & wants the part that I have, to be sent back at once.
In the mean time, I have prepared a short note