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[[image: crest/logo]]
May 25th. 1908.

Dr. F. W. True,

My Dear Sir:

I am under much obligati[[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]]^[[o]]n to you for so promptly examining the photos [[strikethrough]] [[r?]] [[/strikethrough]]^[[o]]f the bones of the Halifax whale. I shall feel much less uncertain in what I publish because of your most highly valued opinion.

As to the periotic of the Halifax[[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]]specimen, Mr. Andrews wrote me just before he left"As soon as I looked at the periotic of this specimen(Halifax)it seemed to me that it resembled very closely the corresponding bone of Monodon. A comparison shows that in point of size and general shape it agrees very much better with M.monoceros than with D. leucas, in fact the whole shape of the bone is decidedly unlike Delphinapterus..In order to verify my opinion I showed the specimen to Dr. W. D. Matthews and he agreed with me^[[|]]that, while there are some points of difference between th^[[e]] periotic of this specimen and M[[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]]^[[o]]nodon, yet it is certainly cl^[[o]]ser to that genus than to Delphinapterus."

N[[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]]^[[o]]w the first query that arises is whether the Halifax spec^[[i]]men is the M. monoceras or somethin[[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]]^[[g]] else. As I c^[[o]]mpared