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My Post-Office Address is [[dotted line]]
My Telegraph Address is [[dotted line]][[/preprinted]] Smithsonian Inst
My Express Address is [[dotted line]][[/preprinted]] Washington D.C. [[preprinted]] 
(Keep the Chief Clerk informed of addresses by means of the special card.)
Department of the Interior
United States Geological Survey 
Mar. 11th [[preprinted]][[dotted line]] ,190 [[/preprinted]] 8 OK's

Dr. F. W. True, Head Curator, U.S N. Mus. 
Washington, D.C.

Dear True,

I have your note about [[underline]] Zeuglodon, [[/underline]] &c. My information is to this effect. 
[[margin note in pencil]] Basilosaurus & Zygorhiza [[/margin note in pencil]] 
[[underline]] Alabama. [[/underline]] Zeuglodon collected by Schuchert came from Upper Jacksonian beds at the very top of the [[strikethrough]] true [[/strikethrough]] Eocene. It is not certain that is not also common to the lower Oligocene.
[[margin note in pencil]] | Dorudon | [[/margin note in pencil]] 
[[underline]] South Carolina [[/underline]] J. Tuomey reports from the greensand layer of his Santee beds a cetacean he refers to [[underline]] Zeuglodon [[/underline]] and says was described & figured by Gibbes. This horizon corresponds to the Jacksonian of Alabama and is certainly not older.
[[margin note in pencil]] Agorophius  [[/margin note in pencil]] 
II He also notes from the Ashley beds of Greer's Landing (Mazyck's plantation) a cetacean which he refers to [[underline]] Zeuglodon. [[/underline]] This I judge to be different from either of the 

Transcription Notes:
Zeuglodon is now Basilosaurus Charles Schuchert Michael J. Tuomey Robert Wilson Gibbes