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Smithsonian Institution 

Sept 22, 1905

Dr. R. Rathbun
Assistant Secrty

Dear Mr. Rathbun :-

Last spring [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] ^ with the concurance of Dr [[Mccull?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] you [[strikethrough]] wr [[/strikethrough]] were kind enough to approve [[insertion]] ^ a [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] plan [[insertion]] ^ which I had formulated [[/insertion]] for collecting some [[strikethrough]] fossil [[/strikethrough]] specimens of fossil cetaceans from Maryland and elsewhere [[strikethrough]] along the Atlantic [[/strikethrough]] in the Eastern States, and [[strikethrough]] made an [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ to [[/insertion]] set aside the sum of $50.00 for that purpose. On account of the [[Pallad?]] Exposition work and other matters, I was unable to do as much as I had hoped, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but visited Charles County, Md., Yorktown, Va., and [[strikethrough]] Chesap the [[/strikethrough]] Calvert Co., Md. From the last-mentioned locality I obtained a large number of valuable specimens - I did not spend the [[insertion]] ^ whole [[/insertion]] amount allotted me, [[strikethrough]] I am amp [[/strikethrough]] but was, of course, obliged to turn in the unexpended portion at the close of the fiscal year.
I am anxious to go