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Manual of Geology - By Ebenezer Emmons - 2[[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] Edition. 1860.

P. 211. "-185. [[underlined]] The Eocene Formation of the Atlantic Slope [[/underlined]]. xxx
P. 212. Between the Grove and Vance's Ferry, on the Santee river, S. C., there is a continuous, white soft limestone, extending forty miles, which belongs to this formation. xxx The Eocene of Alabama is, perhaps, more perfectly developed than in North and South Carolina, particularly at St. Stephen's and Clairbourne, containing Plagiostoma dumosum, Pecten Poulsoni, Scutella Lyellii, and bones of the Zeuglodon. xxx
P. 238. - [[[underlined]] Miocene [[/underlined]]] The Cetacean, fig. 187 (2), is a remarkable form of tooth for this family - having the resemblance to the canine of the Hippopotamus. 

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