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[[underlined]] Mesotaria [[/underlined]]
Length of humerus 190 [[superscript]] mm [[/superscript]] Bicipital groove strongly developed - no supra-condylar foramen

[[underlined]] Palaeophirca [[/underlined]]
No supracondylar foramen - Bicipital grooves narrow. Resembles [[underlined]] [[Monacleus?]] [[/underlined]] in profile

[[underlined]] Callophoca [[/underlined]]
Massive. Deltoid ridge very strong and not extending far distally - No supracon foramen

[[underlined]] Platyphoca [[/underlined]]
Deltoid ridge feeble and edge of bicipital grooves probably not sufficiently developed to form a genuine channel. Bone slender External face of shaft proximally is convex A strong external [[epiliablear?]] [[strikethrough]] occt [[/strikethrough]] ridge.

[[strikethrough]] ^ [[strikethrough]] From this [[underlined]] Leptophoca [[/underlined]], differs in much smaller size and slender form; distinct development of lesser tuberosity; exctension of deltoid ridge far proximally; curvature of shaft & shape of neck posteriorly [[overwritten]] ) [[/overwritten]] ; concavity of exterior face of shaft proximally)

[[underlined]] Gryphoca [[/underlined]] Bicipital groove wide & deep Deltoid ridge very strong