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3 [[strikethrough]] 2 * [[/strikethrough]]

[[underline]] M. studeri [[/underline]] Meyer. 1837
s.c. < see Studer, Abh. Schw. Pal. Gesell, 14, 1887, 3, pl. 1 - 2

√ [[underline]] M. lovisati [[/underline]] Capellini [[insertion]] ^ (Good summary of genera. R) [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]]  No fig [[/strikethrough]]
<  Mem. Acad. Sci. Bologna, [[insertion]] ^ (4) [[/insertion]] 7,  1886 [[insertion]] ^ 39 1 pl {Cervical vertebrae. [[underline]] Good. [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] 

√  [[underline]] M. bellunensse [[/underline]] Zigno 
s.c.  < Mem. Inst. Venet., 18, 1875, [[insertion]] ^ 427 [[/insertion]] pl. [[overwritten]] -2 [[/overwritten]] 14 - 18.  

√ [[underline]] M. krahuletzi [[/underline]] [[insertion]] [[underline]] skull & teeth [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] Deperet [[strikethrough]]  Sitzber. Akad. [[/strikethrough]] 
s. c. < Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, [[insertion]] ^ 104 pt. 1 [[/insertion]] 1895, [[strikethrough]] 104, 14, [[/strikethrough]] 395, pl. 2 figs 2 - 7 ([[underline]] Tooth [[/underline]]) 

√ [[underline]] M. Pergense? [[/underline]] Toula, 
< N.  Jahrb. Min. Suppl. 1899, 459 [[underline]] Pachyacanthus skull fragments [[/underline]]

√ [[underline]] Felsinotherium forestii [[/underline]] Capel.
s. c. < Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna, [[insertion]] ^ (3) [[/insertion]] 1, 1872, p. 605, pl 1 - 8 [[underline]] skull, [[insertion]] (fine!) [[/insertion]] ear bones, vertebrae. [[/underline]] Good set of figs. [[underline]] F. subapenninum [[/underline]] Bruno. 1839 No fig/

√ [[underline]] Miosiren Kockii [[/underline]] Dolls. 
< Bull. Belg. Geol. & Pal., 3, 1889, 415, 
s. c. fig 1 - 2 [[insertion]] ^ molar teeth [[/insertion]]; 
√ Cope, Amer. Nat. 1890, 699, fig 6. (molar teeth)

√ [[underline]] Rhytiodus capgrandi [[/underline]] Lart. 
s. c. < Bull. Soc. Geve. France. 23, 1866, 673 [[insertion]] ^ [[undelrined]] skull; teeth; Atlas. [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]
√ s. c. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 34, 1880, 131, pls 5 - 8

Transcription Notes:
Meyer, Hermann von 1837 gives the name Manatus Studeri Abh. Schweiz. Pal. Ges. (Zurich Metaxytherium