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8. Inner side.    10. Posterior surface.
9. Inferior surface.

Note. These should be made natural size. For views wanted see outline sketches below. 

As I wrote you some time ago one of the rami of the mandible was found to be separated into two pieces when the specimen was unpacked here. I have thought it best not to make the slight repair necessary before returning the specimen, as it would probably part again on the road.

I am holding the five little vertebrae which were with this skull, but do not belong to it. They look interesting, and I may be able to make something of them later. Both these and the types of [[underlined]] Zarhachis [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Agabelus [[/underlined]] are in my office, and are, of course, subject to recall by the American Museum at any time. I may be able to begin advance work on the North American forms this summer, and shall certainly do so^[[|]]next fall. Thus far my time has been spent in going over the literature, examining type specimens, etc., as I want to get a good, broad foundation for this difficult subject, and not add confusion to that already existing. 

An official letter returning the [[underlined]] Diochotichus [[/underlined]] skull will be written Dr. Bumpus from the head office. Thanking you for your kindness and considerarion in connection with this material, 

I am,  Yours very sincerely,