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[[underline]] Superior aspect [[/underline]]. The upper surfaces of the skull of [[underline]] Pontoleon [[/underline]] are so much broken as to render its interpretation of the contours difficult, but [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] it may be noted that the [[insertion]] ^ margin of [[/margin]] occipital crest is evenly [[strikethrough]] concave [[/strikethrough]] rounder as in [[underline]] Otaria [[/underline]], but as thick [[insertion]] ^ as, [[/insertion]] or thicker than, in adult male [[underline]] Eumetopias [[/underline]]. The zygomatic process appear to have been very thick at the base, leaving a proportionally narrower space between their inner face and the wall of the cranium than in other sea-lion skulls.

[[strikethrough]] Description of individual bones. [[/strikethrough]] 
[[underline]] Occipital [[/underline]].- The supraoccipital is slightly convex immediately above its foramen magnum as in all sea-lion skulls, but [[strikethrough]] broadly [[/strikethrough]] evenly concave [[strikethrough]] higher [[/strikethrough]] over the general surface higher up, resembling the same same part in [[underline]] Eumetopias [[/underline]] (adult male) rather than in [[underline]] Zaluphus [[/underline]], [[underline]] Calltaria [[/underline]], etc., but without a clear indication of the strong median ridge found in the first-mentioned genus. The foramen magnum is round and the condylis without the sharp internal border found in other genera, but this is doubtless due to a wearing away of these edges in the fossil.
The paroccipital processes are broader and more transverse than in the recent genera, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] though [[strikethrough]] resemble those of [[/strikethrough]] approximating to [[underline]] Eumetopias [[/underline]] in this respect.

Transcription Notes:
Minor edits. - @siobhanleachman Because siobhanleachman has to let everyone know she was here...doing MINOR edits @VLeachman - Whomever put that second comment in - look up troll in the dictionary and then look in the mirror. Don't inflict your negativity on other volunpeers. It's bad manners.