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as so little is known of the vertebral column and limbs of the squalodonts, the hypothesis still appears tenable that the Delphinidae originated from a stock distinct from the former, but have somewhat similar tuberculate teeth.
The teeth of the fossil species have been compared with the type-teeth of [[underline]] Delphinodon [[/underline]] [[underline]] mento [[/underline]] and [[underline]] D. [[/underline]] wymani, [[/underline]] with the result that it can be referred with certainty to that genus, and probably is identical with the latter species.  The genus [[underline]] Delphinodon, [[/underline]] therefore, which has hitherto been regarded as belonging to the Squalodontidae, is now to be transferred to the family Delphinidae.  
A full description of the fossil skeleton, with illustrations will be published by the National Museum at an early date.
Frederick W. True
Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 1911