Viewing page 8 of 134

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[[Preprinted calendar]] 1874
[[decorative border around page]]

[[image- father telling family a story]]

[[left column]] November

Moon's Phases.
New Moon...    9D   0H  38M M
First Quarter.16D   8H  58M E
Full Moon...  23D   0H  38M E
Last Quarter..30D   1H  33M E

D.  Days   Sun   Sun    Moon
of  of the Rises Sets   Rises.
M.  Week.  h. m. h. m.  h. m.

1   44     6 30  4 57  11 57
2   Mon.   6 31  4 56   morn
3   Tues.  6 32  4 54   1  0
4   Wed.   6 34  4 53   2  1
5   Thur.  6 35  4 52   3  0
6   Frid.  6 36  4 51   3 59
7   Sat.   6 37  4 50   4 57
8   45     6 38  4 49   5 59
9   Mon.   6 40  4 48   sets
10  Tues.  6 41  4 47   5 29
11  Wed.   6 42  4 46   6  5
12  Thur.  6 43  4 45   6 53
13  Frid.  6 44  4 44   7 51
14  Sat.   6 46  4 43   8 57
15  46     6 47  4 42  10  6   
16  Mon.   6 48  4 42  11 17
17  Tues.  6 49  4 41  morn
18  Wed.   6 50  4 40     28
19  Thur.  6 51  4 39   1 40
20  Frid.  6 53  4 39   2 53
21  Sat.   6 54  4 38   4  8
22  47     6 55  4 38   5 27
23  Mon.   6 56  4 37  rises
24  Tues.  6 56  4 36   5 17
25  Wed.   6 58  4 35   6 16
26  Thur.  6 59  4 35   7 24
27  Frid.  7  0  4 35   8 35
28  Sat.   7  2  4 35   9 44
29  48     7  3  4 34  10 49
30  Mon.   7  4  4 34  11 52
..  ...... ....  ....  ......
[[end November]]

[[right column]] December

Moon's Phases.
New Moon...    8D   7H  10M E
First Quarter 16D   7H  28M M
Full Moon...  22D  12H   0M E
Last Quarter. 30D   9H  40M M

D.  Days   Sun   Sun    Moon
of  of the Rises Sets   Rises.
M.  Week.  h. m. h. m.  h. m.

1   Tues.  7  5  4 34   morn
2   Wed.   7  6  4 33     52
3   Thur.  7  7  4 33   1 52
4   Frid.  7  8  4 33   2 50
5   Sat.   7  9  4 32   3 50
6   49     7 10  4 32   4 52
7   Mon.   7 11  4 32   5 56
8   Tues.  7 12  4 32   6 59
9   Wed.   7 13  4 32   sets
10  Thur.  7 14  4 32   6  4
11  Frid.  7 15  4 32   6 51
12  Sat.   7 15  4 32   7 57
13  50     7 16  4 32   9  8
14  Mon.   7 16  4 33  10 19
15  Tues.  7 17  4 33  11 28
16  Wed.   7 18  4 33  morn
17  Thur.  7 18  4 33     38
18  Frid.  7 19  4 34   1 50
19  Sat.   7 20  4 34   3  3
20  51     7 20  4 35   4 19
21  Mon.   7 21  4 35   5 37
22  Tues.  7 21  4 36  rises
23  Wed.   7 22  4 36   5  0
24  Thur.  7 22  4 37   6 13
25  Frid.  7 23  4 37   7 24
26  Sat.   7 23  4 38   8 33
27  52     7 23  4 39   9 38
28  Mon.   7 23  4 39  10 40
29  Tues.  7 24  4 40  11 40
30  Wed.   7 24  4 41   morn
31  Thur.  7 24  4 42     40
[[end December]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted Table of Wages]]
[[decorative border around page]]
[[image: two men at work, on either side of a factory building]]

This Table is based upon the usual calculation of 10 hours to a day.
[[table runs horizontally, on 15 columns]]
      Half     One      Two      Four      Five      Six   Eight     Nine   One       Two       Three  Four       Five       Six 
     hour     hour     hours    hours     hours     hours  hours     hours  day       days      days   days       days       days
___  _______  _______  _______  ________  ________  _____  ________  _____  ________  ________  _____  _________  _________  _____

 $3  .02 1/2  .05      .10       .20       .25       .30    .40        .45   .50      1.00       1.50   2.00       2.50       3.00      
  4  .03 1/3  .06 2/3  .13 1/3   .26 2/3   .33 1/3   .40    .53 1/3    .60   .66 2/3  1.33 1/3   2.00   2.66 2/3   3.33 1/3   4.00  
  5  .04 1/6  .08 1/3  .16 2/3   .33 1/3   .41.2/3   .50    .66 2/3    .75   .83 1/3  1.66 2/3   2.50   3.33 1/3   4.16 2/3   5.00
  6  .05      .10      .20       .40       .50       .60    .80        .90  1.00      2.00       3.00   4.00       5.00       6.00
  7  .05 5/6  .11 2/3  .23 1/3   .46 2/3   .58 1/3   .70    .93 1/3   1.05  1.16 2/3  2.33 1/3   3.50   4.66 2/3   5.83 1/3   7.00
  8  .06 2/3  .13 1/3  .26 2/3   .53 1/3   .66 2/3   .80   1.06 2/3   1.20  1.33 1/3  2.66 2/3   4.00   5.33 1/3   6.66 2/3   8.00 
  9  .07 1/2  .15      .30       .60       .75       .90   1.20       1.35  1.50      3.00       4.50   6.00       7.50       9.00
 10  .08 1/3  .16 2/3  .33 1/3   .66 2/3   .83 1/3  1.00   1.33 1/3   1.50  1.66 2/3  3.33 1/3   5.00   6.66 2/3   8.33 1/3  10.00
 11  .09 1/6  .18 1/3  .36 2/3   .73 1/3   .91 2/3  1.10   1.46 2/3   1.65  1.83 1/3  3.66 2/3   5.50   7.33 1/3   9.16 2/3  11.00  
 12  .10      .20      .40       .80      1.00      1.20   1.60       1.80  2.00      4.00       6.00   8.00      10.00      12.00
 14  .11 2/3  .23 1/3  .46 2/3   .93.1/3  1.16 2/3  1.40   1.86 2/3   2.10  1.33 1/3  4.66 2/3   7.00   9.33 1/3  11.66 2/3  14.00
 15  .12 1/2  .25      .50      1.00      1.25      1.50   2.00       2.25  2.50      5.00       7.50  10.00      12.50      15.00
 16  .13 1/3  .26 2/3  .53 1/3  1.06 2/3  1.33 1/3  1.60   2.13 1/3   2.40  2.66 2/3  5.33 1/3   8.00  10.66 2/3  13.33 1/3  16.00
 18  .15      .30      .60      1.20      1.50      1.80   2.40       2.70  3.00      6.00       9.00  12.00      15.00      18.00
 20  .16 2/3  .33 1/3  .66 2/3  1.33 1/3  1.66 2/3  2.00   2.66 2/3   3.00  3.33 1/3  6.66 2/3  10.00  13.33 1/3  16.66 2/3  20.00
 24  .20      .40      .80      1.60      2.00      2.40   3.20       3.60  4.00     8.00     12.00   16.00      20.00      24.00
[[end Table of Wages]]

Transcription Notes:
Bailiuchan -- made a couple adjustments. Wage table looks good; not possible to put fractions next to numbers without more confusion.