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[[preprinted]] FEBRUARY, WEDNESDAY 25. 1874. [[/preprinted]]
Graces birthday is on the 18th of April, Rosas on the of March Walters " " [[Dittos for: on the]] 23rd of June. mamas is on the 6th of October it comes on Tuesday. this year Grace will be 7. Rosa 4. Walter 11. Mama [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 47. Papa will be 50 in March. 25th day. Lizzie will be 9 in March 5th. 
[[Floy?]] [[West?]] will be 9 in 20th Setp. Flora kilinzer will be 11 in Jan.
Olie will be 11 in June.
[[Minnie?]] will be seven in [[blank space]]
Rob will be [[blank space]] in [[blank space]]
Hart will be 19 in Dec 5th.
lollie will be 24 in Nov 10th.
Uncle Charles will be 66 or 67 in April 20.
Aunt Helen [[?]] on the 7 of June.
Grandma the 18 of August. 
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[[preprinted]] FEBRUARY, THURSDAY 26. 1874. [[/preprinted]]
This morning I had to take care of mama till so late that she had just got through hearing my lessons when papa looked at his watch and it was a quarter past 11 so she had to go. I got through my lessons and started for Mrs Scoods room a few minutes after 12.
  This afternoon Grace was up here all the time and we had lots of fun.
  I do so wish this was Saturday.
Lockie will be 14 the 20th of May.