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[[preprinted]] Ther. MON. FEB. 28, 1887 Wea. [[/preprinted]]
As we decided to go abroad in June, I began German at the Berlitz School to get as much as possible in the time - [[underline]]natural [[/underline]] is the only method. A lesson a day. [[?]] later. 23 West 23rd St.
Berlitz School of Languages. 

[[preprinted]] Ther. TUESDAY, MAR. 1 Wea. [[/preprinted]]

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[[preprinted]] Ther. WED. MAR> 2, 1887 Wea. [[/preprinted]]
Cos. Julia, Miss Platt and I went to hear Liszt's [[strikethrough]] opera [[/strikethrough]] oratorio of Christus given by Walter [[Davieresk?]]. Parts of the oratorio are very beautiful, but it does not compare with the Wagner music - it is [[jerky?]] the [[underline]] grandeur [[/underline]] is [[underline]] noise [[/underline]]. the movement & rhythm of Wagner is wanting. 
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[[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY 3  Wea. [[/preprinted]]
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