Viewing page 64 of 87

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[[Pre-printed]] Cash Account. January. [[/pre-printed]]

[[In a table format with preprinted "Date." "Received." and "Paid." columns; Received and Paid are further split into dollar and cent columns, which are unlabeled; I have separated the main columns by commas and the subcolumns by |; * are the transcriptionist's and indicate a blank column.]]
Feb, Meistre Singer, *}*, *50
*, Lohengrine, *|*, 2|50
*, Taming of the Shrew, *|*, 1|67
*, Messenger boy, *|*, *20
*, Car fare, *|*, *|15
*, Washing, *|*, *|50
*, Car fare, *|*, *|30
" 4, Exchange for [[check?]], 3|-, *|*
" ", Car fare, *|*, *|5
", bread, *|*, *|10
" ", Thread, *|*, *|8
" 5, Washerwoman, *|*, *|50
" 7, [[smudged]] Pap of [[need bk]], 2|*, *|*
" 7, Car fare, *|*, *|20
" 8, Bread, *|*, *|10
" ", Corsets, *|*, 2|25
" 9, Car fare, *|*, *|*
*, Messenger boy, *|*, x|16
*, " (telegram), *|*, *|25
", Wallacks, *|*, *|50
*, Haiti money (return to him), 2|[[duck?!]], *|*
*, 2  cups coffes (Alices), *|P.d, *|58
*, 1 pk. [[portals?]], *|*, *|25
*, Return by Flo, .16|x, *|*
*, " " ", .25|x, *|*
*, Die Walkure, *|*, *|50
*, Ck f dress, *|*, 42|15
15, 3 pc drawers @ 38 [[cent symbol]], *|*, 1|14
*, [[My?]] buttons, [[ in pencil su bill?]], *|[[strikeout]] 60 [[/strikeout]]  
*, hooks, *|*, *|*
*, bead, *|*, *|10

[[end of page]]
[[beginning of new page, set up just like before]]
*, Bread, *|*, *|10[[encircled--see below]]
*, Flaxseed & [[Muest?]], *|*, *|60
*, Quinine, *|*, *|20
*, [[Mustard?]] plasters, *|*, *|-
*, [[strikethrough]] Lemons [[/strikethrough]], *|*, *|-
[[/ encircled in columns received and paid.  Flo pd retd 6y ck. $25.55]]
Washing     *  *   *   65
Flo raclg [[?]]
strikethrough  Joe Leibig [[/strikethrough

Feb. 21  Car Fare * * * 25
" [[Feb. 21] Washing
*      *     *    50
" [[for washing]  50
Ruffling ( 2 boxes )
[[encircled]] [[?]] 1 box  [[/encircled]]* * 
*                    50
Water color exhibit
*      *     *     75
Car Fare *   *   * 60
Rubbers *   *   *  60
Mats f Papis gowns [[?]]   Me [[?]] 
*     *   2 [[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]] 20
2 pr cuffs (man) 
*     *     *    26
"    "   " [[ 2pr. cuffs]] self
*     *     *    28
Wiggin  *   *  *  7
Bread *    *   *  10
Car fare *   *  * 35
Medical [[?]] book
        *    *  1  85
- Oratoris Cholen [[?]]  *   *   *   50
Lunch  *   *   *    * 
Car fare *   *  *  25
"   "    *   *  *   5
Washing *   *   *  75
Car fare *  *   *  10
Mch 19  Ck cashed 25-
Bread  *   *   *    10
Dress 9 yds @ *   *  *