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Office Hours: 9 to 11 A.M., 5 to 7:30 P.M. Telephone Call, 1205-38th ST.

[Rx symbol for a prescription]]

One [[strikethrough]] day [[spot?]] [[/strikethrough]] hillside on | circuit s markd by an encounter wi a pretty yg [[strikethrough]] yo [[/strikethrough]] coon, & [[strikethrough]] anoter [[/strikethrough]] across | woods s another place t also calls up an intg memory, f here in a snug hollow on a cushion o leaves we discovd a curious little wheel -

WM. METTENHEIMER, PH.D., Apothecary and Chemist,
794 Sixth Ave., N.E. Cor. 45th St., N.Y.
Telephone Call, 1205-38th ST.

its 5 white spokes 
[[preprinted dotted line across sheet]]
being [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] white stripes down | backs

Office Hours: 9 to 11 A.M., 5 to 7:30 P.M. Telephone Call, 1205-38th ST.

[[Rx symbol for prescription]] 

o 5 yg polecats takg a nap while |ir mother w lkg f |ir dinner.
Near here, [[strikethrough]] I, [[/strikethrough]] one winters day [[strikethrough]] a pool we fd [[/strikethrough]] s | place where a fox h  [[strikethrough]] stamped |ro  [[/strikethrough]] taken a drink by breakg | ice t covd a ^[[insertion]] shallow [[/insertion]] pool.
How | sight stirred our imagts ^[[insertion]] how we longd 2 h seen him [[/insertion]] & how eagerly 

WM. METTENHEIMER, PH.D., Apothecary and Chemist,
794 Sixth Ave., N.E. Cor. 45th St., N.Y.
Telephone Call, 1205-38th ST.

Transcription Notes:
not at all sure about this! - Can completely understand. She's not an easy transcribe! Not sure whether it's a prescription form or a pad for doctors notes so I've moved the below comment to this box. [[This is a double preprinted prescription form.]] Have edited to add in the [[preprinted]] notation as most of the project is Florence Bailey's handwritten notes and this is a quick way of informing the reader of the transcription (assuming they don't have the original images to look at) that she didn't write these portions. Have attempted to find the R shaped symbol but can't find anything that resembles it. Any help on this gratefully received. - @siobhanleachman The RX symbol is a medical symbol for a prescription. And you're right--she's not an easy person to transcribe. She uses many abbreviations and code and I think some short-hand symbols as well. The "/" mark is shorthand for "th" or "the" and "/ir" would stand for "their", for example. I have put my readings of these in brackets, for what they're worth. Tom C. We generally don't want to expand abbreviations. Check previously completed pages for guides. -megshu | = the, t = that