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Beyond the Robin homestead is a spot where we can still hear the whirs of the Ruffed Grouse that rose from it one long past day in May. In these woods Partridges were not looked at as ^[[insertion]] sportsman's [[/insertion]] game [[strikethrough]] to be shot and eaten [[/strikethrough]], but as the choicest of the wild spirits of the woods to be attracted and guarded with [[ any device?]] & care; honored guests for whom a feast was [[elganty?]] spread. At the sound of the drumming of the cocks ^[[insertion]]in the wood [[/insertion]] both child & man would stop to listen & ^[[insertion]] in winter [[/insertion]] when the shy birds drew near the house for their food [[strikethrough]] in winter [[/strikethrough]] they were watched behind closed blinds with bated breath. In summer, motherly Partridges [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] were sometimes seen with