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surely find it as she strolled about.  Then, lest passersby disturb her, for the remaining days of her brooding we forebore to cross her path. When wanting to indulge the rare pleasure of seeing her on the nest we crept into the bushes at a distance and watched her silently through the leaves. Poor mother! Did her heart throb as she crouched lower over her nest at the ominous footfalls in the woods? [[strikethrough]] Are [[/strikethrough]] Were her ears trained so she c[[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] d tell them all apart - not merely as friend or enemy but [[strikethrough]] as a [[/strikethrough]] to distinguish the thrush hopping over the leaves, [[/strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] the squirrel nosing about for fresh eggs, the dog fatally trained, & his master with the gun? She seemed surrounded by dangers, but yet, as she brooded at the foot of the ^[[insertion]]sheltering [[/insertion]] beech [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] seemed [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] little bird looked [[/insertion]] to be among friends.