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6) Her eggs were laid in a  [[strikethrough]]feo  [[/strikethrough]] hollow between [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] roots, the tree cast over her the disguise of its gray robe, and the earth with its brown leaves concealed her form. The sun too, slanting through the leaves, did its part in caring for her safety for its light on the brown leaves made the white [[strikethrough]] feather markings [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] on her dress appear as dappling light in the dim forest. [[strikethrough]]  [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Under [[strikethrough]] frolicking [[/strikethrough]] sheilding branches [[strikethrough]] little partridges [[/strikethrough]] dowrus [[?]] brood broke through their shells, were fed at the foot of the bush, & played about its roots, taught, as their their mothers' chicks, to hide among the leaves. When [[strikethrough]] they were [[/strikethrough]] birds had from three eggs remained unbothered, and [[insert]] oddly enough inside [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] each [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] empty shell[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] as with the thought of a neat housewife, the broken 

Transcription Notes:
I believe that [dowrus] should be transcribed as "downy" "three eggs remained unbothered" should be "three eggs remained [[ strikethough]] unhatched [[/strikethough] [[insert]]unbroken [[/insert]]