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12/ t o the [[neri]] fluttig [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] torches & flas n / forest. [[strikethrough]] Little fait ley put n mau [[???]][/strikethrough]] A gt surprise our [[???]] ga us on / n w [[bued?]] o / road our pily rug. My fd & I w walkg along peasiably - wi x [[eirle?]] n our hearts when suddenly out darted a mother Red [[strikethrough]] alm [[/strikethrough]] droppg 2 / gd alm at our ft cryg clif [[dotted lines leading down to next line]] [[strikethrough]] wi she [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] her out [[/insertion]] [[circled with line drawn]] quivg [[/circled]] wings ^ ather sides & her tail dragg on / gd [[insertion]] [[?]] 20 & it [[/insertion]] showg its yellow spots. as wi head [[strikethrough]] wrong [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] shakg [[/insertion]] pitifully she waild chip [[dotted lines leading to next line]]. 2 when her mind w accepted her decoy [[circled with arrow pointing to end of "wailed chip"]] promptly [[/circled]] follg her ^ 2 / bushes. [[strikethrough]] how What a transformt! [[/strikethrough]]    

Transcription Notes:
query: could [[eirle?]] be "evil"? "ather" should read "at her" Transcriber once transcribs a word "clif" and once "clip". Need to be consistent.