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46) all her furniture on the piazza before at once beginning 2 clean [[strikeout]] g [[/strikeout]] house, as a bd 2 pile on all her matl [[watl?]] [[strikeout]] at once [[/strikeout]] in  a heap n +  way! Imag a Redst [[?]] having such a lookg [[?]] house!
 / Chesnut workd [[strikeout]] a / most distractd nervous way [[/strikeout]]. As our [[ni imag?]]  fr / result - in nerv haste [[insert]] in / midst o her work she dashed up 2 a branch cot a worm  lped it down [[strikeout]] with 0 t [[?]] inadequate alas f her digestion! - and started down. Ni tail perkd up & head alw jerkg fr side 2 side 2 [[strikeout]] as [[/strikeout]] [[insert]] 2 [[/insert]] [[strikeout]] she [[/strikeout]] lkd f matl [[maybe watl?]] - such a waste o 
nervs force! /n certainly she h a Drlsarte school fd'd f bds [[insert]] Our [[strikeout]] chick [[/strikeout]] shd x jerk, [[insert]] her hd  [[/insert]]& move it n graceful [[strikeout]]
ly [[/strikeout]] parabolas.  [[strikeout]] If /ey [[/stikeout]]r [[/strikeout]] only knew it How much calu [[/strikeout]] What /is C need.d [[strikeout]] if she hd b  known it [[/strikeout]] w 2 drop her bark, fly up on a bare twig & /ink o her ft f 5 m. She wd /en b in a proper frame o mind f nest buildng! Such bad