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49) [[/]] a /ing o beauty-[[strikethrough]] all(look and [[/strikeout]]
/ body w [[insert]] [[strikeout]] solid nest [[/strikeout]][[/insert]]   compact + [[insert]] + [[?]] [[/insert]] / hangg ends / back w neatly combd down at / bottom while / nest its w lined in horse hair.
Bif long 3 pretty white eggs, in brown wreathed ad 1 larger ends, w laid n 1 nest, + I went 2 watch / little mother at her broodg. [[Strikethrough]] Bif 1[[/strikethrough] h x b /n long bif n came / R peekg + pryg as if in evil intent. B [[strikethrough]] /is Cl twice / C [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] her [[strikethrough]] [[?]][[/strikethrough]] [[?]] must h b already discovd f [[strikethrough]] /C [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] did x /C bound out o / nest + [[??]] off in a trice.  While / is [[?]] b going on  I [[?]] alw b well hidden, leang agt one

Transcription Notes:
first "[[?]]" may be "tidy"