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havg another on one side & a ^[[insertion]] heavy [[/insertion]] leaf[[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] screen n front o me

b now /o I walked out boldly opposite / nest / little builder w x at all troubled b ^[[insertion]] after [[strikethrough]] peer [[/strikethrough]] clingg atill o a maple twig to peer at me a moment [[/insertion]] went bk [[strikethrough]] 2 her eggs, [[/strikethrough]] climbd nto her nest & settld down n / deep [[strikethrough]] cup, [[/strikethrough]] bowl where her white chin tiltd up ab / white birch bark o / nest [[strikethrough]] & her brown [[/strikethrough]] nconspic fr below & her brownish back covg / cup ^[[insertion]] as a brown leaf [[/insertion]] completd / disguise fr above

Transcription Notes:
edited - @siobhanleachman