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7/ wonderful flower folk t spg up /o / [[emerald??]]
greenwood home & [[strikethrough]] / [[/strikethrough]] fairy folk  & [[strikethrough]] strange [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insert]] huge grizzly [[/insert]] beasts 2 b braved n /ier dens becomes a [[strikethrough]] veritable w [[beechen??]] simple [[/strikethrough]] wood [[strikethrough]] x [[/strikethrough]] less full o fancies & marvels b a wood [[insert]] ?? [[/insert]] o trees ^[[wi names and coats o varied kind]] silken white birches t [[strikethrough]] gleam n / sun [[/strikethrough]] c b ^[[easily]] picked out fr / rest, smooth ^ [[insert]] strt [[/insert]] beeches, & rough maple & ash, [[strikethrough]] harder 2 tell [[/strikethrough]] [[insert]] wi coats puzzlgly alike [[/insert]] & butternut [[strikethrough]] wi [[/strikethrough]] t [[strikethrough]] stands [[/strikethrough]] triumphtly b told, leaves o difft forms bark [[insert without ^]] cobwebs o wonderful patterns & woven + than wld [[butterflies?]] [[insert without ^]] buds leaves & del diffts f / taster; a wood ^[[whose branches]] full o [[strikethrough]] strange [[/strikethrough]] little songsters each wi diff voice, dress & home. 

On a winter snow shoe walk n / woods comes a [[?]] o new info
At last [[strikethrough]] a wood [[/strikethrough]] as / [[insert]] winter [[?]] [[/insert]] ftprints n / snow reveal a wood full o 

Transcription Notes:
Had difficulty reading the handwriting. Please fix my guesses where needed.