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8) multitudes and little unseen furry [[foresters?]]. Whis [[??]] wd b dreamed  + n / woods [[??]]  /ve w  walkg down  a[[??]] full [[strikethrough]] o busy [[/strikethrough]] workers, o [[&?]] sleepy after /eir nights work & play. [[there is an unmarked insertion above "busy" that looks like "/ tunnels o"]] [[Here??]] s and be wld 2 b known - f each footprint n / snow tells a diff story - some delightful little creatures wi curious ways. I know  [[insert]] ?? [[/insert]] [[??]] [[insert]] leafg [[/insert]] sq white rabbit, [[insert]] & red [[/insert]] fox - a world [[strikethrough] full [[/striketrhough]] o [[insert]] & an owls ?? dropped again [[/insert]] night [[insert]] forbidden ?? fruit [[/insert]] all unknown. + (that)  intg /an fairy dance a sight + 2 b [[??]] Oh 2 stay out all night in a tree top while / [[insert]] little [[/insert]] strangersHow x and  frolich below! 
Eventually as / [strikethrough]]   knowledge & love [[/strikethrough]] yg eyes opend 2 / [[strikethrough]] beautios [[/strikethrough]] wonders o / wood - what a day is it when /