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2/ 2 bec a 20 story 'sky-scraper: + in / case o / Phoebe, [[strike]] yr by yr [[/strike]] ^[[each yr]] a new nest s added 2 / line t rest on / [[strike]] old [[futic? fretic?]] shed's [[/strike]] rafter. O / old shed.
Indeed birds r so strong n /eir local attachments + ^[[insert]] even when /ey winter in Brazil [[/insert]] + return so faithfully 2 /eir own especial vines + fig trees- be they in [[strike]] New England or [[/strike]] ^[[Mass]] Ohio or Calif-

+ one o / ^[[insert]] gtest [[/insert]] pleasures o a ^[[insert]] summer [[/insert]] return 2 our own country places is n [[strike]] findg [[/strike]] revisiting our  [[strike]] old [[/strike]] ^[[songster]] fds n /eir old homes.

After [[strike]] yrs [[/strike]] ^[[sev. seasons]] spent n Cal. I returned home 2 find / Hermit thrushes singing in / same  hillside woods, /eir church h x burned, why shd / choir b disbandd ?