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3)  Of course a population alw [[strike]]Death [[?]] Aside [[/strike]] Even / fowls o / air must die + bd childn do + alw return 2 / homes o /eir ancestors fluctuates ^[[/em too]] May day will also be moving day f ^[[insert]] both [[/insert]] man + bird, f /em n also ^[[?]] disagreeable neighbors, fr [[strike]] pest [[/strike]] contagion hospitals to ^[[insert]] quarrelsome [[/insert]] House Sps + land owners [[strike]] wi [[/strike]] ^[[who use]] guns. [[strike]] b as birds [[strike]] 

Nevertheless ^[[as ^[[/ lower]] animals o [[?]] ^[[ man n /eir]] locality]] bds as ^[[cats + dogs t h b sold often escape 2 /eir old houses,]] fish leap waterfalls 2 seek /eir [[strikethrough]] old [[/strikethrough]] own spawning beds, + seals return 2 /eir same old rookeries ^[[evy year]] birds ^[[fly]] [[strikethrough]] travell [[/strikethrough]] 1000s o miles 2 reach a ^[[particular]] bit o wooldand [[strikethrough]] dear t /eir hearts + memories + [[/strikethrough]] t /ro all /eir ^[[absence]] journeying /ey h held dear n /eir memories, + will often