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13/ up in /eir burrows laughg n /eir sleeves while / old dog [[strike]] dug at [[/strike]] at laid his daily seige to their earthworks.

One day B h a surprise. [[strike]] wi He w an old As n [[/strike]] In a ^[[snug]] little hollow on a [[strike]] mat [[/strike]] ^[[cushion]] o dead leaves we came on [[strike]] 5 little [[/strike]] a curious little wheel - [[strike]] in white [[/strike]] 5 white spokes- / white stripes down / backs o 5 little [[strike]] w [[/strike]] polecats takg a nap while /eir mo/er w away. We w full o int + [[strike]] wd h [[/strike]] eagerness 2 watch / little strangers b Balder nippd our [[strike]] plans [[/strike]] ^[[observations]] n / bud. He w a dog o mature yrs ^[[+ exper]] even /en - his eyes h

Transcription Notes:
/ = th or the, h = had, b = but, w = were