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14) cloud since /en - bless his memory - b / vision came upon him too suddly + / next moment- despite our cries + entreaties - / wheel h vanished + B w energetically rubbg his nose n / soft wood loam- makg a furrow deep under / leaves.

[[strike]] / way t Balder [[/strike]] ^[[/ old dog]] upset our plans f observt another day [[strike]] h b told by already n Little Bros o / Air, gtly 2 our sorrow. We h b /is time it w [[/strike]] ^[[/is time]] when we [[strike]] abirding It [[/strike]] w stalkg ^[[our]] most intg nests o / season

[[written upside down at bottom of page]]
How ^[[strikeout]] our [[underline]] birds protect the ^[[our]] Trees [[/underline]] [[/strikeout]]