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16) & on an instant ^[[4 longg ornithoge]] [[strikethrough]] both set [[/strikethrough]] eyes rested on / ^[[strikethrough]] long desired [[strikethrough]] nest. / famous beauty [[strikethrough]] cd h fd x + [[/strikethrough]]surely fd an aesthetic settg f his [[strikethrough]] nest [[/strikethrough]] ^[[home]]. It crownd / green arch o a ^[[slender]] [[strikethrough]] leafy [[/strikethrough]] sapling ^[[whose bow]] t / storms h bent as a bow to the earth. 

Both bds came 2 / nest which we watched + [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] / ^[[strikeout]] leaf cold [[/strikeout]] fem - What a 7 days [[strikethrough]] protectin [/strikethrough]] wonder ^[[o protection]] her green leaf coat alw s! When she cot sight o her visitors [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] called [[underline]] chip [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] flashd her tail fan fashion. [[strikethrough]] as if 2 emphasize her announcement. [[/strikethrough]] as a distracted mo/er mi cry

[[upside down in left lower corner]] 6) [[/corner]]