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22) A nest builder we watched near / same [[strikethrough]] turn [[/strikethrough]] bend o / road regardd [[strikethrough]] us [[/strikethrough]] Balder + calmly, alto she w a gt builder who [[strikethrough]] wd really h b nerv [[/strikethrough]] mi well h b nerv at havg [[strikethrough]] such [[/strikethrough]] ^[[4 ftd]] pedestrians [[strikethrough]] promenadg [[/strikethrough]] ^[[tramping @]] wi/in her gates.  Seeing her ^[[at]] work [[insert]] on her nest [[/insert]] w [[strikethrough]] alw co [[/strikethrough]] surely most comforting f / loss of / Tanager study. Ovenbird architecture [[strikethrough]] s most [[/strikethrough]] [[insert]] h peculiar [[/insert]] int[[strikethrough]]g [[/strikethrough]]. In /is case / [[strikethrough]] nest w do [[/strikethrough]] frame o / nest w made -- / [[dance?]] o / oven w on - b / floor w just being laid [[strikethrough]] when we disc. [[/strikethrough]] + ^[[after all - we consoled ourselves - ]] perhaps t s / most intg part. / nest w n a slight depression below a small stump - n line wi ano/er stump + an archd saplg we noted 2 mark / place -