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31) low /ro / bushes 2 - a nest! So many accidents happen 2 ^[[ones choicest]] [[strikethrough]] cut short [[/strikethrough]] nests in a season, so many long searches end n x t an observer [[strikethrough]] regard any appt price o good luck becomes alw afd 2 believe regards good luck [[/strikethrough]] bec ^[[positively]] [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] skeptical o good luck. [[strikethrough]] / sight [[/strikethrough]] [[I?]] we h ^[[at last]] fd a Blue's nest seemed altogether 2 good 2 b true. [[strikethrough]] It [[/strikethrough]] If we h only fd it bef - now we h lost all / ^[[process o]] buildg. Wi a tiny morsel n her ^[[beak]] [[strikethrough]] bill [[/strikethrough]] / little Blue flew up on / edge o / nest leand down ^[[touchg]] something wi her bill]] as if feedg yg, /en got down nto / nest b nstead o settling over her brood, whirld rd [[underlined]] mouldg her nest! [[/underline]] 

^[[It w a rapturous moment.]] [[strikethrough]]We w overcome wi delight.[[/strikethrough]] Here we ^[[actually]] h a Blue's nest & instead ^[[findg it]] [[strikethrough]]o [[/strikethrough]] at / last chapter [[strikethrough]]havg [[/strikethrough]] ^[[wi]] bds ^[[alm]] ready 2 fly, / buildg w x ^[[yet]] over!