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32) / builder w x o / Tanager's fears, either. We sat x + /an a rod fr her house b she workd as unconstrainedly [[strikethrough]] as if x [[/strikethrough]] wi 2 prs o op glasses levelld at her as if she h b alone [[strikethrough]] n w [[/strikethrough]] on a desert id. 

^[[/ nest w / sign o a vireos n a low bush less /an 2 ft at / gd]] <----

As she came & went she hopped fr twig 2 twig ad / nest & ^[[clamberd]] [[strikethrough]] climbd [[/strikethrough]] up / highest o its four supports n pretty fashion. ^[[At 1st she workd rapidly, makg only short trips f matl.]] b /en she [[il/n?]] went out n / pasture 2 hunt f cow hairs f lining or ^[[perhaps]] [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] went off 2 join her mate [[whose song h b comg nearer & nearer.]] [[strikethrough]] at lunch f she w gone f a long time. [[/strikethrough]]

While we [[sat]] waitg f her [[a sc tanag sang n / distance &]] vireo & Ovenbd parents denounced /eir enemies &