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33) a pr o song sps fed /eir yg behd an upturnd root - We feard lest /ey wd call a mothers meetg 2 enq nto our bus [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] b ^[[as we kept quiet]] /ey politely [[strikethrough]] kept [[/strikethrough]] did / same.

A passg gray sq sat up on his bd legs 2 lk at us & when my fd shook her mosqt switch at him ran [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] up a tree & /en stoppd & lk down at us ag. 

At last / [[strikethrough]] pretty [[/strikethrough]] motherly Blue ^[[returnd]] [[strikethrough]] came home bk ag, [[/strikethrough]] & if one cd judge by her actions, w so glad 2 get bk 2 her [[strikethrough]] pretty [[/strikethrough]] nest [[strikethrough]] buildg [[/strikethrough]] she cd x bear 2 leave it f a moment. Ag & ag she startd 2 go away only 2 come bk f a few + turns at her mouldg. Once when she h climbd up / [[strikethrough]] high [[/strikethrough]] supptg twig she [[terred?]] [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] & came down ag & sev times she hoppd out on / edge o / nest only 2 ^[[whisk]] turn