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34) ad & hop n ag - dear homelovg little bird!  [[strikethrough]] It w evid / our spot n all / wld f 2 hrs. [[/strikethrough]] /re w evid x [[strikethrough]] spot [[/strikethrough]] n all / wld so beaut 2 her as t little wd nest among / green leaves. ^[[As we watchd her we reflected]] + [[/strikethrough]] Every bit o ^[[inner]] bark & fibre. As we watchd her linger a bit - it [[set?]] lovingly every scrap o hair she [[/strikethrough]] If all yg wives took as much /ot f /eir houses /re wd b [[strikethrough]] little ne [[/strikethrough]] few o / [[strikethrough]] bitter [[/strikethrough]] needless tears t fall unheeded now.

Wi what [[strikethrough]]lovg [[/strikethrough]] care ^[[h]] she [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] selectd [[strikethrough]] evry [[/strikethrough]] ^[[each]] bit o inner bk & fibre 2 [[strikethrough]] weave together f [[/strikethrough]] ^[[strengthen]] her cradle, wi what [[strikethrough]] laborious [[/strikethrough]] ^[[tireless]] search h she [[strikethrough]] securd / [[/strikethrough]] ga/erd / [[white]] hairs f its /ing & wi what ^[[strikethrough]] motherly [[/strikethrough]] pride / bits o white wood & birch bk [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] 2 [[its]] decoration [[strikethrough]] s. / outside. And all f / nee f [[/strikethrough]] ^[[F she w makg [[strikethrough]] f it [[/strikethrough]] w her own house & ]] / [[wonderful]] mother love [[w]] stirrg [[strikethrough]] under [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in]] her little featherd breast.

[[strikethrough]] Poor little [[mother?]] B [[/strikethrough]] B Life s surely full o trouble f bd as well as beast. After all / infinite care /