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35) lovg care wi wh / blue prepard her nest x ^[[little bds w ever cradld [[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] eggs w ever laid [[/strikethrough]] n it. [[strikethrough]] By some unknown enemy [[/strikethrough]] What happd it s imp 2 say, b / bds came /re x + & when we examd / nest we fd / lining in confusion & / neatly coild white hairs gone. A week later we fd / pr out by / corner / tanagers h deserted & 3 wks after t n [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] / opposite side o / woods fd a pr o old bds feedg yg. If it w / same family it w a comfort 2 know t /ey w able 2 raise a bood even if we cd x watch /em. We w much into n notg / peculity o plumage n / yg blues. / yg son wearg / dress o his fa/er & / yg

Transcription Notes:
bood = brood