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36) daughter t o her mother. & ^[[oddly eno]] [[strikethrough]] sevl times [[/strikethrough]] While we lkd / father ^[[sevl times]] fed / son & / mo/er / daughter.

/ next yr I fd a Blue's nest only a few rods fr / site o / 1st one. Her mate ^[[strikethrough]] ga me a [[/strikethrough]] showd me / nest. He w singg high n a tree & darted strt down nto / low bushes where she w busily ^[[going]] [[strikethrough]] flyg [[/strikethrough]] bk & forth at her ^[[buildg]] [[strikethrough]] work [[/strikethrough]]. She w / same rapid, preoccpd worker o last yr. Once she peered /ro / leaves & turned her head on one side 2 lk at me, [[strikethrough]] b after [[/strikethrough]] called [[underline]] chat, chat, [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] b /en went on wi her work.

She wd fly [[strikethrough]] spring out of / nest [[/strikethrough]] fr / nest 2 / gr, pick up bits o matl & hurry bk 2 put it n place & once, sittg down n / nest leand over & smoothed / outside wi her bill & / brim wi her neck. She seemed b h x time 2 waste [[strikethrough]] wi her mate [[/strikethrough]] & it