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37) x wonder, wi her mate idly singg /ro / woods all / day long.

/ Blue's corner o / woods s [[reachd?]] by many pleasant memories. It s ^[[one o]] / favorite mtg plc o / sweet voiced Veery's [[strikethrough]] hillside & ^[[n passg going along]] close beside / road we often lkd [[/strikethrough]] one spg wi/out steppg fr / road we cd lk down on / brown form o a ^[[trustful]] broodg thrush. 

^[[Just]] Across / road, [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] one day ^[[to our distress, B]] killd a poor little coon. It w abt 1/2 grown & [[strikethrough]] it w [[/strikethrough]] perhaps w strayg away fr home. It w a pleasant reminder t / intg [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] creatures w abd n / woods. 

/re s ^[[x far fr /is]] an old upturnd root ^[[o many [[?]] ]] t I x see [[strikethrough]] one spot [[?]] curve o / old wood's road I c hardly pass [[/strikethrough]] without a smile, such [[strikethrough]] at / pleasant [[/strikethrough]]