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43/ [[strikethrough]] as soo [[/strikethrough]] evidently wanted 2 go home.

When his parent came [[strikethrough]] 2 him ^[[ wi open mouth]] [[/strikethrough]] he [[strikethrough]] ran [[/strikethrough]] hurried 2 h [[strikethrough]] her feed him [[/strikethrough]], & when ^[[after fedg him she]] startd 2 leave him he ran after her as fast as his legs would carry him - ^[[ [[strikethrough]] evidentl [[/strikethrough]] ]] he h x idea of being left alone ag!
[[page interrupted by paper lying on top]]

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In feedg /eir yq / old bds sometimes [[strikethrough]] brot long [[/strikethrough]] came wi long worms danglg fr /eir bills + leang over droppd /em nto / [[strikethrough]] open [[/strikethrough]] waitg mouths below.

[[end page]]

[[restart of page underneath top paper. text above this is obscured.]]

wi him 2 / tree as if 2 guard him, & when / little creature lit, wren fashion, ag / side o / saplg ^[[well up above Bal's level / red lit on a branch above & lkd down as