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Taking all of these assumptions for truth, then what is now known as Tom Cringle's Tree is not the original one, as there is another one - almost as large - up the old road a way. It is not possible to go up the old road all the way in a car, but Mrs. Bonell says that a little walking will bring one out on the first road we saw.
Cundall, one of the outstanding historians for the island, has been inclined to disagree with Mrs. Bonell as to where the old Spanish road led, but he has done some investigating and who knows but what he will unearth a confirmation of Mrs. B's theory.
  We also drove thru Up Park Camp, where the soldiers are stationed, and we got home just in time for supper. The only interesting animal I saw on the whole trip was a mongoose. Dick has taken a picture of the oxen used for working and that will better describe the animal than words can.

The next day, July 10th, Mrs. Edwards came by for us, in the afternoon, and took us for a drive to Morant Bay. We drove a little beyond the town of Morant
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Bay to the bay on which Port Morant is situated. This bay is one of the longest and narrowest I've ever seen. At the same time it is a beauty spot. This place and White Horses are by far the two prettiest places on the road.
  Mr. Edwards went up to inspect some coconut trees which were being treated. The lower limbs of the trees were turning yellow and dying, and he had tried simple agricultural experiments such as forking around them, and putting potash fertilizer on otheres. Every tree treated showed improvement. This was no wonder considering the poorness of the soil. There is a very thin layer of top soil and the limestone rock is very close to the surface.

[[left margin]] July 20, 1935 [[/margin]]
  Yesterday about 2 o'clock Mrs. Edwards telephoned to ask me to come to tea at 4:30. That was the only thing I understood. I thought she said that I was to stay to supper and Mr. Edwards would take me home. I later found out that this was all a mistake. Dick is away.
  I took the streetcar and arrived there rather late. However, it didn't matter as she wasn't expecting anyone else. We had tea, and a very nice one it was too, but the

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Transcription Notes:
edited to maintain the spelling of the original. -megshu