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[[preprinted]] 36 [[/preprinted]] Water catchers - for dryers Roaring River Falls. Bran Soap Works and Christopher's Cove. Going to St. Anns for butter. Lunch, dog fight & Mrs. B falling on the dogs. Swimming - stings on feet Ships come so near the reef Trip home thru St Anns & up mountain Talk of war and the Manchesters going to Egypt in September The story of the time the Northumberland Fusiliers ran wild, and how the Manchesters have to live it down. Bog Walk and Rio Cobre The lights blow out We get to Spanish Town & get new lights. Home, very tired. August 20, 1935 In Haiti but feel I should at least end this book with Jamaica before going on to what I've seen here. One night Dick and I hired Oscar Orlando Gray, and went on an expedition into the John Crow Mts. Before leaving that afternoon, Irene cautioned be against allowing Dick to go very far from the car. As everyone [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 37 [[/preprinted]] had previously told us how safe it was considered to travel in Jamaica I was somewhat surprised. Stranger still, the exact form of danger was not mentioned altho robbery was hinted - and "the brutes" were constantly referred to. However our trip was accomplished without mishap and I very much doubt whether any thugs would have been interested in waiting on the unfrequented road which we traveled. We had supper just at dusk, and Dick put out the lantern which seemed to be too bright to attract many insects. Bats were plentiful at that time of evening - how I dislike them! Almost as much as big moths. We started on our trip about 3 o'clock and went to Buff Bay by way of Castleton. As we had just had tea, and Oscar seemed intent on making good time, the curves became just a little too much for my delicate (?) stomach. However when Oscar was requested to slow down he did so with good grace, and the trip was continued in a happier frame of mind. One the way we passed a limestone cave, which could be seen from the road. Dick says he had stopped there previously. It is a little beauty. All the country to Buff Bay is very pretty, with lots and lots of greenery,