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salad, yet he has been coming to these islands for quite a while. The waiter knew little or nothing about them as he was a New Yorker and rarely saw them. Nevertheless, I finally got my 1/2 avocado with the Thousand island dressing on another plate. 
About 11 o'clock this morning I decided that I would like to go ashore. It had been raining, but it looked somewhat cleared. We had to take a launch in and just as we got to the [[strikethrough]] laln [[/strikethrough]] landing the [[strikethrough]] boat [[/strikethrough]] rain began to come down in torrents. However, after a few minutes of hard pouring it stopped and we went ashore. Right at the landing is the Tourist Information Bureau, where they sell stamps & coins, and give one information about hotels & boarding houses as well as arranging for sightseeing parties. I bought myself some of the jubilee stamps. Then we went up town to window shop and try to buy a Cosmopolitan & Good  Housekeeping, which Mrs Willis informed me had not arrived.
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We took the 1 o'clock launch back to the boat. Very few people had come back for lunch, so it seemed as if we were late at first.
The boat sailed at 4 o'clock for Trinidad.
Dick & I have been reading "Personal History" and we found it most interesting. 

[[ 2x underlined]] Index [[/2x underlined]]

Abaco Island, Great 55
Aguadilla 43
Air Mail 22, 95, 106
American Caribbean S.S.Co. 72
American Legation 47
Anegada Island 78
"An Island of the Sea" 75
Aquarium Restaurant 66
Archer, Mr.W.H. 106
Armistice Day 99, 101
Aspinall, Sir Algernon 77
Atherton, Gertrude 77
Auberge de la Riviere Rouge 86, 98
Aubry, Mr. 10, 11, 14, 23
Arctmayer, Mrs. 70