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When I left they were singing and playing around with the mistletoe. It is always a good idea to leave at this time.
Mr Digby is most interesting - I should like to know him well.

[[underlined]] Thursday, January 2, 1936 [[/underlined]]
Dick came home this morning. He got here just before I got out of bed. He had had a nice trip to Tobago and he came home with quite distinguished company (ref. Journal) Naturally I was glad to see him. 
As he was tired he took the day off and we did a little more work on the stamps. In the evening we went to the show and saw "The Dragon Murder Case". Fairly good.
When we came home I felt it was rather silly to wait until to-morrow before giving Dick the two little paper weights I had bought for our anniversary - so I gave them to him. They were well received

[[underlined]] Friday, January 3rd 1936 [[/underlined]]
A year ago to-day. They say, "the first year is the hardest and if this is so I'm going to have a remarkable time all the rest of my life. 

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Dick & I worked on stamps and at tea time Dick went and bought some ice cream for us - to help celebrate.
We went to bed fairly early as he is going out to-morrow.

[[underlined]] Saturday January 4 1936 [[/underlined]]
Dick went out with Urich this morning. I went to the bank to see if our money had arrived - it hadn't. 
On the way home I was overtaken by "Beefy" Price. To my surprise I was informed that ^[[insertion]] he was well aware that [[/insertion]] my husband had forbidden my speaking to him. I can just picture Dick in such a role! However, he means no harm in being nice to me. There was little or nothing to say to this, so we went merrily (?) on our way home. One time I could gladly have said something nasty when he rushed me across the street in front of a car. At least I showed very plainly that I didn't like it, by shaking off his arm. That is one thing that even Dick cannot do with success. 
When I got home Miss Huggins invited me to go with her on the steamer which goes up to the Bocas. I was very