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after sun set it became cool enough for our coats. We arrived home well pleased with our expedition.
That evening I went to bed early as I was tired. Dick read to me

[[underlined]] Sunday, January 5, 1936 [[/underlined]]
Dick went out in the morning but was back for lunch. I wasn't feeling so chipper so I didn't get up for [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] breakfast. I spent a lazy day reading & sleeping. Dick did some typing.

[[underlined]] Monday, January 6, 1936 [[/underlined]]
At last we got word that our money arrived. Dick got his motor ready and put it aboard. I did some packing. We got some long overdue mail from the consul. It took over a month to get here.
I went to town & got a few things to give as gifts when we get home - 2 pins and several handkerchiefs, as well as some hand made step-ins. I also bought myself a butterfly wing ring - I've always wanted one.
When I got home we began packing in earnest. Dick packed the 2 large drawers of the trunk. When he

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does so much there is really very little left for me to do. We also spent the evening packing.
Before I finish Trinidad I must mention several interesting things. Charlotte street is one of the quaintest places to shop ..... almost like an oriental bazaar. A nice place to have ones hair done is the Waverly Salon (Mrs Slack) on Frederick Street. Mrs Wall - a fit person for an interesting novel. The Adamsons have been married 3 years. Alper was 4 when Mrs Adamson divorced her first husband.

[[underlined]] Tuesday, January 7, 1936 [[/underlined]]
This morning we finished packing and Dick did some errands. The trunk had to go before noon. We had late lunch as Dick had a lot of things to do. He went out to St Augustine to say goodbye to the Adamsons. I phoned in the afternoon to do same.
We had an early tea and went down to the Lighthouse jetty to get the launch. There were so many people going aboard that they had to have several launches.
Dick and I did not have the same

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